Tuesday 19 November 2013

A new theory of everything by Tanya Pemberton entitled the Theory of Mutual Benefficiency or Everything exactly as it is, only more so.

I am currently listening to songs from Bloom by Beach House.  Try "On the Sea" and "Irene" (which I have worked out stands for "Information Rich Energy's new experience" - but that's just me having fun in my own strange "dad humour" type way.)

Good Morning world.  I just took Benjy to school and did a little shop.

I've been working on a certain problem for a long time now. It was the problem of what to do with myself, and how I fit in the world.  It just felt wrong investing in a system that didn't seem to work for a lot of the people in it, or the planet it was feeding off of.  I've had a good chunk of free time lately so have bent my mind and my movements to figuring this little conundrum out.

Here is what I came up with.  BTW, If my solution doesn't speak to you, no worries.  This is just how life balances when I run the equation.  You are not me, so your solution will be at least a little different, and may be totally different!  This is my solution.  The fact that it exists, the fact that it has proved possible for me to find a solution that works for me whilst leaving nothing out means it should actually be possible for everyone to find one that works for them.  We may be different, but we are all made of the same basic stuff.  We are creatures of energy. Good luck, I hope my solution helps yours in some way.

Here we go. It occurs to me just now that when we've got this life thing down, when the properly hard work has been done and the rest is maintenance, the world will sing.

People will play.

It'll be playtime!

No resistance will be felt except that which is necessary - this is called the cost of living. It is the cost of getting up in the morning, and interacting with the world in whatever way feels best.  It's a bill we all must meet.  It's a ticket which we have to figure out the cost for by ourselves (no one else knows how much living costs you as an individual). We then have to pay for this ticket by making sure we do whatever we need to in order to meet our needs (without actively preventing anyone else from meeting theirs).

If you pretend you need more or less than you do, or get other people to pay your way, there is a cost.  Your ability to play is dependant on permission from the people you are allowing to act as your keeper.  If you're doing this it's not a crime. It's just something you will evolve out of in time as you increase in confidence and are ready to play more.

If we pay our bills now, then we get to play in the next now.  Fully paid up.  Bills met.  Play time!  Until the next bill.  Some bills are easy. Some you need to spend a substantial amount of energy figuring out before you can pay them (like this one! It took 36 years, 4 months and 8 days!!!  To be fair though, most of that time was spent moping about feeling like I had no idea what I was doing here.  When I started to get serious about it it only took about a month).  Either way.  There is no better use of now than getting on with it, whatever it is.

Cos done is done.  Once you figure out how to pay your bills, it's a skill you'll keep.  The more your grow, the bigger your bills will be.  Figuring out how to pay new bills is a skill worth learning. :)

Sometimes we will overreact or under-react, try to pay too much (pay for other people) or too little (let others pay for us); it's not a sin or a moral crime when this happens, it's just an error in an equation!

There are many ways a piece of string can get tangled, but only one way for it to be untangled.  There are many ways you can get the equation wrong when trying to pay the bill for your life, but only one way you can get it right.  Total honesty.

Total honesty is easier than you might think.  It doesn't mean telling everyone everything.  You still get to choose how you interact.  It just means being honest with yourself.  The way to do that is to feel your own feelings, and accept them as they are.  Your feeling are always honest - when we get something wrong it is always our logic (the stories we tell ourselves about the world) that we get wrong.  If you are having a feeling and you interpret it as meaning that anyone outside of you is intrinsically bad, I can guarantee that you have got the logic wrong.

Other people may be confused, which can lead to them behaving in unstable or dangerous ways, but none of them are intrinsically bad.  People get confused when they feel a certain way and don't know how to resolve that feeling.  They can be helped, but not, I think, by anyone who thinks there is something intrinsically wrong with them.

If you feel that anything outside of you is intrinsically wrong, it's actually yourself you have a problem with. You can figure out what that problem is when you stop putting other people's names on your feelings.  All of your feelings are yours.  All of the information you feel coming in (sight, sound, gut instinct etc) is basically your interpretation of the vibrations which interact with your senses.  The feeling of every piece of information you receive is all for you.  All else is wave length interpretation allegory - i.e. the stories you tell yourself about your feelings in order to make sense of the world.

If your stories tell you that any part of the world outside of you is irretrievably broken; that's just you rejecting the world for some reason.

According to Einstein we are all creatures of energy, everything is made of energy (E=MC2).  According to the the 1st law of Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics is the study of heat and movement, i.e. energy): the sum of heat flowing into a system and work done by the system is zero.  A valid interpretation of this law is that whatever you are feeling is resolvable by you.  It is your feeling and nobody else's.

Any "problem" you feel you have is made of words.  In fact, the words inside of you will be the only reason you ever feel you have a problem.  Without words, you would just have a situation which you would just go ahead and deal with.  Dogs are great at this.  They live in the now because they aren't telling themselves complicated stories about what they feel, they simply feel and respond. It's one of their most lovable traits.

Words aren't bad in themselves, in fact if you use them correctly it means you can handle just about any situation with more grace.  You get to use your words to figure out how to paint the world using the wonder-filled pictures you see in your head. Words are only bad when you use them to justify your own otherwise completely forgiveable over or under-reactions; when you use them as an excuse for not honestly meeting the bill of your own natural reactions.

It's not even bad to do this.  It's just a bit a dumb.  You lie because you're in pain.  Your lie ensures the pain will last longer.  The longer you lie, the more painful it is.

The 1st law of Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, just transformed.  As conscious beings we get to choose how we want to do that.  The most beautiful and cost efficient way is to aim to do it in a mutually beneficial way.  To do this, you just have to accept how you feel and let go of the idea that you can have any clue about how other people are feeling unless you ask them and then listen to their responses with all of your attention.

The zeroth law of Thermodynamics states that all the things in contact with one another will share their energy.  Einstein's theory suggests we live in a relative universe which means that we all share our energy with everything else.  When you hide your feelings you hold onto that energy thus stealing it from the the world we all live in now.  You can't do this for ever, the energy will eventually eat its way out of you.  When you choose to rebalance your feelings by behaving violently you send shock waves through everything.  When you choose to digest your own feelings and share the results gracefully, peacefully, compassionately and for mutual benefit, you feed the world, and allow it to respond in kind.  If jokes are your thing.  Jokes are how you'll feed the world. :)

How do we live honestly?  If we feel overwhelmed, it is time to step back.  If we feel under-connected it is time to step forward.

It needn't take forever to balance ourselves.  Just do it now.  If you can't, step back from it for a bit and do it when you feel you can.  This is all that is ever required to live well.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, just transformed.  We each have our own energy which has a specific frequency. As human beings we get to choose how we transform that energy.  We store that energy in our physical bodies and we experience the part of it available for work (or play) as feelings.  If you don't resolve your feelings now they get stored in your body as unsolved equations, as matter - as illness or strength. 

If we feel bad it is a negative energy, (a stress or an illness or too much fat) - we have an unpaid debt of some kind.  

If we feel good, it is a positive energy, (good ideas or physical strength or muscle) - we have spare energy.

Neither of these states are morally good or bad, they just are.  Whichever one you are experiencing you get to make choices based on what you have and what you think you know - and no one anywhere or in any situation has more power than that.

Some people have already learnt to get on with things now - and these are the people who look successful to us.  Others haven't - and these are the people who look like problems.  It's all just people.  And there's always room for improvement - and for helping each other get better at living.

No one plays the game perfectly (it's not possible - there will always be prime number moments - new and unpredictable situations that will throw us off balance - the funny stuff).  But some people play with true grace.  These people tend to have a great sense of humour.  If you want to live well, hang out with these people with the intention of giving as good as you get.  Everyone has something only they can give, and it's obvious what it is, it's what they love best.  Once you've found your love you can give it gracefully (by asking - and accepting the answers you're given, even when it's a no), and accept other people's best love in return with the same grace.

On a further note, so far as I can tell, we get to live forever. We are living inside a contained system (this universe) wherein energy is never lost, just transformed.  The third law of Thermodynamics states that a zero temperature is not possible.  Therefore it looks like it could well all just go on transforming forever.  

My guess is that when you die you get the ultimate choice of transformation - what do you want to be next? 

This means that there is no rush to figure it all out.  And when you do, there will always be something else to figure out. 

As Douglas Adams said “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. 

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”  

I propose that every feeling you resolve, every energy equation you solve, has this effect to some extent. The nice thing is that when you are paying your bills regularly you'll find you often have a surplus of energy to go on transforming the energy in new ways.  And then you really get to play.


We always have a choice about what we do with our energy, and whatever we choose we must foot the bill of our physical existence if we wish to go on physically existing in this beautiful Eden-like world of ours.

It's not so hard.  In fact it's as easy as deciding what to do next. To do that, we merely have to consult our own feelings.

Pay any outstanding energy bills as honestly as you can (i.e. let your feelings move you), and encourage the people around you to do the same.  When we balance the cost of life to zero, when our deficits equal our investments, then we get to work on making our dreams a reality:

Saving the planet, travelling in space, contacting aliens, teaching dogs to ride bicycles, being a tree for a year, falling in love and raising a family as a valid part of a strong shared community...

Whatever feels like play and wonder to us, we get to try it, and to share it.

The most important bit of my bill was the necessity to resolve my reticence about living in a world which didn't look like it worked properly.  I feel I have resolved that and am now free to pay the rest of my bills and play as I go.

Personally, I like problems.  I like tasting ideas and figuring out how the equation balances. If I can help others I will, whilst ensuring that I pay my own bills as and when I feel I need to, and encouraging others to do the same. :)  I'm like a mushroom, I eat outstanding equations, I feed on doing so, and this makes energy available for new things.

My equation: For any contained system, Now = Energy minus matter.  

You are a contained system; as is an atom, the Earth, each galaxy, the Universe, the thing you love - whatever it is.  You can apply this equation and make more energy available for your work by shutting down unnecessary equations (ones which will ultimately transform the energy in a way you have no interest in), and then make stronger more direct equations that'll get you where you want to go without so much resistance (do only what you love - your real work, plus whatever is necessary to go on existing in whatever health is needed for you to do your work).   The more wisely you invest your energy the quicker you will go.

Spend your matter wisely!  

When no resistance is felt except that which is necessary then we will be working at full capacity. When we are all doing this our energy signature will be incredibly strong, we will be visible externally, in a manner of speaking, to other intelligences.  What is dark matter?  Perhaps it's groups of conscious creatures who are currently working to full capacity - using all the available energy to create their lives, except that which is necessary to maintain existence.  This would have the effect of making them invisible from the outside other than via their gravity - the essential cost.  And when this happens, they become a giant translucent lens.  An eye which distant species may use to see further. :)

I believe the effect is the same when individuals work at this level.  Through them, distant worlds are visible.

I dedicate this theory to Khalid Masood, who wrote a very strange article on my Life, the Universe, and Theories of everything Face book page.  It took me a couple of readings, but when I finally got it, there was gold in there :).  You called it Khalid!

I further dedicate it to everyone and everything that has formed a part of my own personal equation up until this point. Whether you have to put up with me every day, or made something that touched me, or I just glimpsed you in the street one time and was consciously touched by the experience, you are a part of my equation.

And finally to everyone that I try and share this with.  If I send it to you directly then my  attempt to communicate it effectively to you will have generated both additions to the text, and further realisation of the central idea.  Thank you for being you. :)

Final words, if life is all getting too much you can always choose Control plus Alteration plus Delete, open up your own Task Manager, and shut down any processes you don't need right now. If its important, you'll come back to it eventually. :)


  1. Further to the above, in response to some great feed back on got on Face book:

    OK, The Bill I was referring to is the cost of living. The cost of setting up a base from which you can operate and the longer term cost of maintaining that base. For me that means I need somewhere to sleep and spend private time. I need a car. Food. Water. A phone. Heat and Electricity. An internet connection and a computer. A place to store all the things I own (far too many just now). And money and personal energy for taking public transport and having fun. Also a place to share time with my son and the energy to enjoy that time.

    For this to work in this country at this time, I need a way to make money and to feel good about my interactions. I am OK just now due to a recent redundancy payment. But there will come a time when I have to plug directly into the world again to earn my keep. I have been frightened by this because I am not a stable person - I have a glitch. Things effect me extremely deeply. My intense emotions disrupt my ability to work in a steady and effective way, or form stable relationships with other people.

    We pay bills by making decisions and following them through. I have always been somewhat chaotic in assessing and paying my bills. I identified that this was because I felt I was supporting, and being supported by, a system which was inefficient and stressful and had no real place for me to plug into it properly.

    I now see this process of decision making as one side of an equation. On the other side are the feelings and stories which prompt the decision. I was lacking both trust for my emotions (because they have threatened to take me off the board completely a number of times) and a story I could believe in (I am very good at equations - is why I'm great at excel. My understanding of the world told me it was not balanced and could not persist. How could I plug into that?)

    I finally figured out that you cannot live well if you don't pay your own bills. The biggest bill I needed to pay was figuring out what I'm doing here and how I fit in the world. Finding an understanding of the world which balances, which works, and wherein useful work may be done.

    I really had to step out of the box to find it! I did an exercise with myself recently where I let go of everything. All the words which I used to define my world. I prepared myself for complete ego death. I even wrote a will of sorts. I had no idea if my ego would take my physical body with it when it went, and I wouldn't be able to let go if I didn't leave my affairs in order.

    I had tried a similar thing in my relationship just the week before, because the way my partner and I had been connected previously was wrecking me. I had found that when I let go of the relationship (and was convinced that he had too - on my request) that the love didn't disappear. In fact, it was more apparent than ever that it was not something I had made up and was playing with, my love for this person was both fundamental and mutual. We were able to reunite and the relationship no longer sends me crazy! It's slightly rougher on him now. But it seems to me that we are now carrying equal loads.

  2. Continued...

    So, I wanted to try the same strategy with my fundamental connection to this world. I wrote all my goodbyes and my thank yous in my journal. And then I laid down on the floor in a room bathed in sunlight and spotted with rainbows (from the crystal hanging at the window) and started to let go.

    Only I didn't stay on the floor. I was compelled to return to my journal. I found that when I let go of everything I didn't disappear. In fact, there seemed to be rather more of me available. (Like Neil Gaiman's Dream King when his ruby was destroyed).

    My understanding of what happened next was that I had a kind of conversation with the source of all the energy from which everything we know and are is made. I sat on a bed bathed in sunlight and had a conversation with it. I'm no stranger to using imaginary dimension in my thought. To my mind, you don't need to prove it when you're having an experience. Just taste it honestly and see what you get from it.

    And what I took from this conversation was a new understanding of the world (not THE understanding - just a new one on me). And my new understanding showed me that my existence was fundamentally valid (regardless of whether I accepted it as such) and also eternal. But my concept of eternal changed. It wasn't a thing that stretched out for an infinity of time, it was just now.
    I was here now, and I always would be in some aspect - not as "Tanya" necessarily, but as a unique energy signature which just is. And I saw that energy is also information, that all the energy that ever there was is available now and touches all of us at all times. If we don't feel touched it's because we've chosen not to just now - for any number of reasons. And if we want to feel touched at any time, we just have to stop choosing not to be.

    And so back I came, feeling deeply warm and happy, and knowing that I was going to look for an equation to describe the human experience as I had just seen it.

    And I did.

    In any contained system, Now = Energy - matter.

    And now I'm living with this one basic rule to find out what it means.

    If this sounds nuts to you, or beyond the bounds of reasonable suspension of disbelief, no worries. It's not important that anybody else see the world like I do (they could only do that by being me), what is fundamentally important is that if we want to go on living in this wonderful reality - with the trees, the sky, the people, the adventure, and all those other awesome things, then we need to pay the bills.

    Heads up - not news to anyone - we aren't currently doing this either as individuals or as a species. We are all, to some extent, messing up our own personal equations. This is not an evil thing, it's just an ignorance thing. And we won't ever get it perfect, but there is a hell of a lot of room for improvement.

    What is the equation that will enable us to improve? I think "Now = Energy - matter" is pretty peachy. The "matter" part is the bit we have to pay for. It requires energy both to set up matter (such as your body) and to maintain it. You have a store of energy all your own, when you subtract from that the physical structures you are maintaining, then what you have left is the energy available for work.

  3. Continued...

    In this way of looking at things you are not personally infinite (just eternal). That is to say, all of everything exists now, and you are not all of everything, but you will exist for ever.

    As you are finite in the moment, you get to make choices about how to invest what energy you do have. If you get guilted into investing it in things you don't care about and which don't do anything to maintain you, you will wear yourself out needlessly. If you guilt other people into spending their energy on you, you will wear them out. So, the most efficient (least wasteful) use of energy is to spend it on doing things you do care about, or which maintain you, and doing so in such away that forms mutually beneficial relationships with others. If they feel good about pushing at the same time as you feel good about pulling then you can pool your efforts and do the jobs you chose to do more quickly.

    On a final note, to my current frame of thinking it's not about forgiving those who trespass against us, so much as seeing that no one did anything to you. If you are eternal it's not like anyone could really hurt you anyway. But more than that, your feelings are yours and yours alone. If you put other people's names on your feelings then you have to make other people do stuff in order to resolve your feelings. You can do that if you want. But it's not terribly efficient. If you own your own feelings and let others do the same with theirs you start to see things differently. You'll feel like you have more space and personal control for a start.

    Its not an easy exercise to master (I'm not there yet). I have the theory, but I have to keep reminding myself to do it. It's always awesome and worth it when I do. I don't always manage it. :)

    Well, this attempt at clarity may well have failed. But there's plenty of time to give it another shot. This is my world. These are my theories. They work for me. If they touch you or irritate you enough to want to ask questions, please do. I love questions.

  4. Summary of "For any contained system, Now = Energy - Matter"

    In short.
    "A contained system" can be anything, an organism, a project, a process etc.

    "Now" is all the time available at any given point to do actual work, i.e. to transform the available energy from one state to another.

    "Energy" is everything contained within the defined system.

    "Matter" will be the parts of the energy which have an external existence (organisms, objects, processes, synaptic pathways etc)

    The best place to begin applying this equation is to yourself (I'm happy to help with this - as I'm sure others will be). By consistently applying it to your life you should find that you are better able to discern how much the decisions you make at any given point actually cost you. Once you get a good sense of this you will be able to make more intelligent choices about how you spend your available energy.
    This will free-up your personal energy, meaning that you will have more of it available to you right now, which will in turn make new choices available to you.

    When people have run their decisions through the equation enough times they should find that they develop a good sense for when they are correctly balanced to achieve specific goals in terms of energy invested (in Matter) and energy available for work/ play (doing whatever brings them the most joy).

    Some will stop trying to live for free, or on the sweat of others.

    Some will stop feeling like they need to sweat for 2 people just to live, or seeking to actually justify their existence by trying to pay for others.

    For some, it will be a very slight adjustment.

    For some, it'll take their existence firmly away from their current life or death struggle to survive.

    Everyone will have more actual personal energy. Even those who are no longer letting others pay for them - because whichever end of the leash you are, there is a cost. When humans see the real cost of attempting to leash themselves to others they will realise it isn't worth it. Once this work is done, we will be able to begin working honestly with one another for explicit Mutual Benefits, rather than trying to unfairly harness or live on top of one another.

    When enough people have done it I think it's inevitable that some will start to apply the equation to our species and our planet. I believe it will become clear where we can improve and people will joyfully work together to achieve such improvements.

    Others will just want to make beautiful things.

    We will all choose the actions which we feel will best transform our own personal available energy, we will do so by following our passions and attending to any essential maintenance - individually or in groups.

    If carried out honestly, all personal solutions to the equation are valid. The driver to improve, to crest each new moment as honestly as possible, will be seeing the amazing things that others can do, and attending to the natural desire to test yourself to see what you are capable of. The drive to work together honestly will be the joy taken in being an essential part of something that really works.

  5. What does it mean when one person finds a solution that works for them whilst leaving nothing out?

    When no thing in that person's experience is rejected, when all is accepted as it is and used to form a part of their next choice?

    It means that this individual is equal to 1. And that this 1 = everything.

    We have been like entangled particles up until this point. Living on top, underneath, through, overlapping one another. Pasting parts of ourselves on other people, or parts of them over ourselves. Living entirely in other people's stories, or denying that they even have a valid story.

    As we stop doing this, as we all become one with our experience of the world, a whole new scale of maths becomes possible.

    I am 1, because I choose to be. I have to keep making that choice with every decision if I want it to go on being 1.

    Eventually there will be another 1. Another person honestly able to accept everything that they have experienced up to this point. At that point there will be 2. And then eventually another 1 will form, and so on. A whole new scale will open up. And everyone who forms it will have a value of 1. But together we could be 6 billion or so. :) That's qute a calculator.

    We have been like billions of electrons in a state of Quantum superposition. A confused jumble unable to own our own experiences. But I believe that each of us can collapse all of our own possible wave lengths into a distinct and measurable presence in the moment as we become our own honest observers. :)

    And then ANYTHING is possible. How far can we go? I don't know. It's exciting. Perhaps as a species we'll get to the point of being 1. And then we can add our number to any other 1s already existant out there. We'll scale up. There is no highest number. There is only 1 + 1 until you get to the next 1. A scaling up.

    I would conjecture that all we have to do as individuals is own ourselves and love it!

    So, a little bit of help, and algorythm to run that'll help you navigate the tricky world of communication with other people whilst owning yourself:

    I call it the communication refinement algorhythm.

    1) Person 1 says something/ does something.
    2) Person 2 has an internal reaction that causes them to start thinking to themselves.
    3) Person 2 observes this internal reaction and accepts what these thoughts tell them about themselves and how they feel.
    4) Person 2 does whatever work is necessary to allow them to accept these things about themselves.
    5) Person 2 applies that acceptance to their observations of person 2.
    6) Person 2 responds to person 1 by asking a question to test their understanding.
    7) Person 1 responds.
    8) Person 2 observes person 1 with their full attention.
    9) If person 2 has anther internal reaction they repeat the process, until they get so good at it, it's second nature. Person 1 starts to do the same. Eventually the communication between them will flow with a high degree of personal honesty, and therefore an extremely high level of quality information exchange.

    The result of running this algorythm is that people will stop making shit up to mask their own feelings of discomfort, and just get on with communicating. We will become true mirrors to each other. Our effective power to transform energy (make decisions) in powerful ways (ways that actually get stuff done now) will increase accordingly.

    The process of 1 person running this algorythm teaches it to others, thus enabling them to pass it on. If enough people do it then it will grow exponentially. It needn't take all that long until everyone can do it. And then we'll have a world full of sane people. And it'll be an utterly wild world of unlimited potential. :)

  6. I've had a go at applying numbers to N=E-M.

    I think perhaps the reason we are in so much financial (and ecological) debt globally is because people are vastly overestimating the amount of energy available to us just now, and also not fully or sensibly investing what is available.

    We'll get there. :)

  7. Aha, a restating of the equation. I think this works better:


  8. Even though I got my letters round the wrong way initially, all of the above results still stand (in case you were wondering).

    I felt my way towards this equation - which is why even though I knew when I had the right components it took me a while to get them in the right order. :)

    Proof in is in the pudding. Personally, my cake seems like it's tasting better every day. :)

  9. A response to an email from my old friend Spice. :)

    Thank you for challenging my equation. The more I look at what I am working on the more I see that it is by no means a fait accompli. Is very much a work in progress. It might already be out there in some form! I shall enjoy the process of feeling and thinking my way towards it wherever it is. :)

    A useful image to use when contemplating what I'm trying to describe is the Lava Lamp.

    A Lava Lamp is a contained system. It does leek energy (light and heat). So perhaps a more useful stating of the equation is Energy - Entropy = Now - Matter.

    OK, so any Energy that has not leaked out (most of it) is available for work in the system. And sufficient energy is fed back into the system to keep the heat exchange going so long as the Lava Lamp is plugged in.

    Lets say that every atom in the Lava Lamp is an individual person.

    The wax is the Matter - like a human body.

    The heated Liquid is a more dynamic form of Energy - like the consciousness.

    It's all Energy (E=MC2) but the Matter transforms much more slowly than the Liquid.

    The idea is that as conscious beings we have a certain amount of choice each moment about how much of ourselves we choose to express as Liquid (our directed awareness) and how much we tie up in Matter (slow equations which we chose to set in motion). The more Matter we invest in as individuals, the heavier and slower we are, the more prone we are to sinking back down towards the heat source. However, if we don't invest in any Matter then we will spend our time bobbing at the top - we will be unable to involve ourselves in the dance of the particles.

    "Now" is the bit that each atom is experiencing. All of the Atoms exist "Now" in the Lava Lamp, but they each occupy separate locations in it.

    The "Now" of the entire Lava Lamp is an ever evolving picture. Like clouds, it might all look a bit samey after a while but it's never the same picture twice. My conjecture is that if the atoms are enabled to make conscious decision about transforming their energy in mutual beneficial ways, they get more choices about the pictures they make with their combined energy. If the inhabitants of the Lava Lamp choose conscious Mutually Beneficial heat exchanges then no atoms needs to get trapped at the bottom, and none needs to spend their time constantly bobbing along the top feeding off of the energy that was that has made it's way up from the bottom, thus continually sending those atoms back down again.

    Instead of big lumps of wax rising and falling mindlessly through expanses of liquid, you could have a dancing array of particles which worked together to try forming shapes with various dynamic properties to test what happens with each - to play and learn - but this can only happen if the atoms in the Lamp choose to conduct their individual heat exchanges for this purpose.

    If they choose this way then no atom would get trapped at the bottom or left bobbing at the top because the choice to go in either direction would be heeded by their fellows and they could be assisted to move to their desired location in a way which enabled their fellows to try new shape equations via a process of mutually agreed heat exchange.

  10. Continued...

    E - Ent = N - M describes how much transformation each individual (and collectively the entire system) is capable of in the moment. I propose that each individual atom is equivalent to a set value of Energy. I would guess that that the individual derives that value according to the space which it currently occupies in the overall system (less the amount of Energy which is being exchanged out of their store as entropy).
    Energy which is tied up in Matter is far more limited in it's transformational options than that which isn't. A solid body has a relatively limited number of options about what can be done with it at any given moment in comparison with the conscious mind, and it requires a relatively high amount of energy to maintain or transform.

    As each system has a set value of Energy available, and as Matter Energy costs more energy to transform than free Energy does, any investment an individual makes in Matter will make less Energy available for transformation.

    If atoms are unaware of how much energy they have available to transform in the moment, and they aren't able to reliably source that same information from their fellows, then all will be less able to make realistic choices about what kind of transformations are available at any given moment without unduly stressing themselves and the whole system (which means less energy available for purposeful work).

    I am currently attending very closely to the maintenance of my current matter, and trying to spend my Free Energy wisely. As a result, I am eating better, spending more time with the people I care about, and I've become assistant Treasurer of my sons's school's PTA. And I'm loving it :)

  11. In summary:

    E = Energy and is the some total of energy available to you in internally.

    Ent = Entropy = it is the energy one spends on communicating one's position and state to the the system one is a part of.

    The sum of the above defined terms is equal to the sum of the below.

    Now = One's position in the overall system. One's position determines ones Energy value.

    Matter = the amount of energy currently invested in purposeful work. The equations one is current running.

    I am currently very pleased with this summary. However, I feel instinctively that there are 2 more important components to this equation to be placed either side of the equals sign which I haven't yet defined.

    All feedback welcomed.

  12. I found 2 more components, but it's proving tricky to make an equation. Everything connects up weirdly - it's like I have to bend the dimensions to make it work. Who knows? Puts me in mind of Contact by Carl Sagan when John Hurt tells Jodi Foster to bend her pages. What are delicious problem. :)
